We offer Standard, Express and Next Day delivery services to the most countries.
After you've entered your delivery address, you'll be able to see the delivery services available to your delivery address.
All orders take 3-5 days to process.
Immediately after your order, a shipping confirmation via email is sent to you with a tracking link to track the status of your order.
Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking a number via email.
Glitzluxurioushair is not responsible for delivery delays, lost parcel, stolen parcels or missed deliveries once an order has dispatched from us.
Customs or import duties are charged once the parcel reaches its country of destination. You may be charged for handling fees and taxes as your order passes through customs. Any charges on a parcel must be paid by the person receiving the parcel
Glitzluxurioushair has no control over these charges, and unfortunately we are unable to tell you what the cost would be, as customs policies and import duties vary widely from country to country. We advise customers to contact their local customs office for current charges before placing an order to prevent any surprises of unexpected charges.
NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES on any product that has been removed from its original packaging or altered in any way will be accepted.
We have a 14-day return policy, which means you have 14 days after receiving your item to request a return.
If you receive an incorrect item please email us immediately at orders@glizluxurioushair.com.
You will have up to 7 days & may send it back using the return address provided by us that we will send true email.
We will gladly replace it as long as the hair was not used . Otherwise then that all sales are FINAL.
For orders that are not on hand please allow up to 14 till 21 days business days for Processing & Fulfillment.
After processing, your order will be shipped & delivered with 2-4 business days.
*Business days do NOT include weekends & holidays*
Please advise that you may not receive any updates on
your order while it's being processed. Your tracking information will then be automatically sent via email after your order has been processed.
Please be aware that when placing orders your billing and shipping address MUST match. We do not ship to p.o boxes and addresses that are not confirmed. Please reach out to us via email or text before placing your order if you need your package shipped to another address that doesn't correspond with your billing address.